


这是美国第四大最常见的先天缺陷, cleft lip 和 cleft palate affect one in every 700 newborns each year. 唇裂是指嘴唇两侧分离, 通常与上颌骨有关的, 上胶, 或两个. A cleft palate is an opening in the roof of the mouth in which the two sides of the palate did not fuse or join together properly. 裂 lip 和 cleft palate can occur on one side 或两个 sides.

因为唇裂和腭裂在出生时就很明显, most people have surgery to correct the defect early in life. 然而, follow-up surgery often is necessary later on to treat any deformities that still exist after initial treatment. 的se may include deformities of the lip 和 nose, as well as abnormalities of the teeth 和 jaw.


UCSF's oral 和 maxillofacial (jaw 和 face) surgeons are experts in evaluating 和 treating problems of the teeth 和 jaw resulting from a cleft lip or palate. 接受过外科和牙科方面的培训, our specialists work with adult patients to identify the approach that best suits individual needs. 的 treatment plan may include bone grafting to provide stability for the lip, 同时改善鼻口美容外观. We also offer a range of dental implant systems 和 procedures.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状


  • 牙齿歪斜,形状不好或缺牙
  • 牙齿和下颚错位
  • 上颌(上颌骨)畸形
  • 语言问题
  • Unrepaired oronasal fistulae, which is a hole between the mouth 和 nose cavity
  • Alveolar clefts, which are defects in the bone that supports the teeth


在任何治疗计划之前, you will meet with an oral 和 maxillofacial surgeon for a complete medical evaluation. 访问期间, your surgeon will start by asking about your medical history 和 conducting a thorough physical 和 dental examination, noting any problems you are experiencing due to your cleft lip or palate.

在这个评估之后, your surgeon will discuss the treatment options that best meet your individual needs.


Although bone grafting is most frequently performed on children under the age of 10, 成年人也可以从手术中受益. 上颌牙脊骨移植, 叫做上颌骨, is now the st和ard treatment for patients with facial clefts. 的 procedure involves taking a small amount of bone from one place — usually the hip, head, ribs or leg — 和 placing it in the area of the cleft near the teeth.


  • Provide support for the lip 和 nose 和 to improve symmetry
  • 形成一个连续的上牙龈脊, creating a more natural appearance 和 adding stability to the ridge
  • Improve the stability of the front part of the roof of the mouth, 如果两边都有裂缝

Once the bone graft has been placed, any missing teeth in the area of the graft may be replaced. This is achieved by moving adjacent teeth into the bone graft; inserting a prosthetic replacement, also called a dental bridge; or inserting an osseointegrated implant.


An oronasal fistulae is a hole between the mouth 和 nose cavity. 在某些情况下, the fistulae has been left intentionally after initial repair of the cleft palate or developed due to poor healing in this area. Fistulae can be problematic in that they allow substances in the mouth, 比如液体和食物, 进入鼻腔进入鼻腔, 导致感染. In rare cases, when fistulae become very large, they create speech problems.

Most fistulae can be surgically closed using local tissue from the roof of the mouth, 舌头或内颊. 手术后, 可能需要在欧洲杯竞猜app住一段时间, as well as adhering to dietary restrictions for two to three weeks.

vt .骨结合种植体

Many people with cleft lip 和 palate have one or more missing teeth. In addition, their teeth adjacent to the cleft often have a deficiency of supporting bone. 在这些情况下, osseointegrated implants are the most effective approach for replacing missing teeth.

牙科植入物 are small titanium "fixtures" that take the place of the natural root of the tooth. Your surgeon will gently implant them into your bone, using local anesthesia. 的se very tiny titanium roots will then bond or integrate with your bone, 比天然根更安全. 的se implants serve as an "anchor" for permanent artificial teeth, which are built 和 custom designed to aesthetically suit your facial features by a prosthodontist — a dentist who specializes in the restoration 和 replacement of teeth. 的 surgery 和 subsequent placement of the artificial teeth requires the coordinated efforts of your oral 和 maxillofacial surgeon, 正畸欧洲杯竞猜app和修复欧洲杯竞猜app.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only 和 is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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